Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tosca - full score / parts discrepancies, including piano-vocal score and McConathy reduction

In General:

There are numerous discrepancies in phrasing in the string parts - especially the violin parts. The bowings in the parts are clear and idiomatic, but at times they veer rather far away from Puccini's intended phrasing.

Act One:

2-3 before rehearsal 16 - all slurs and phrase marks in 1st violin parts are missing

4 before rehearsal 36 - 1st violins have piano in the parts, not forte

Act Three:

3rd bar of rehearsal 7 - there are discrepancies in how the third and fourth beats are notated in the string parts

McConathy Reduction

Act One:

2nd horn has errors at rehearsal 21. Should be covering the written 1st bassoon part

There is a rhythmic discrepancy between the parts and the full score in the 5th bar of rehearsal 5, in the clarinet parts. The parts and the piano-vocal score match. The full score is different.

Act Two:

4th bar of rehearsal 4 has typo on last 16th note - should be E-natural, not F-sharp

10-11 before rehearsal 56, no wind instrument is indicated to sustain the C-natural for two bars, as in the 4th horn part. I had the 2nd violins sustain theirs.

Trombone part has inaccurate rests between rehearsal 61 and 62 (covering 4th horn part)

Act Three:

Rehearsal 9 is missing voices. BCl is covered in Fg, but the horn parts are missing the actual Fg parts.

Piano-Vocal Score

Act One:

The rhythm in the right hand in the bar before rehearsal 72 is incorrect. See full score for correct rhythm.

Act Two:

There should be no high A natural tied into the downbeat of rehearsal 3. The flute begins right on the downbeat.

This list is by no means exhaustive!

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